Bold & Beautiful’s Plans for Brooke, Ridge and Taylor Go In the Wastebasket
Bold & Beautiful’s Plans for Brooke, Ridge and Taylor Go In the Wastebasket

Credit: Howard Wise/JPI
We all know what Bold & Beautiful had planned for Brooke, Ridge and Taylor, right? The same thing that it always has planned for them. Ridge leaves Brooke, runs right to Taylor, commits to her and then runs right back to Brooke. We’ve seen it a million times. But the show may find that it can’t execute that same old, same old maneuver this time around.
Yes, Brooke’s scheme to return Forrester Creations to Ridge is hella silly, and she definitely should have waited to announce her new title to the world till she had spoken with him. But that doesn’t excuse the horrible things that he has said about her and Hope.
Headwriter Bradley Bell “took it too far this time, and I don’t think he realized it,” suggested one viewer on Reddit. “When he tries to reunite ‘Bridge’ in a few months… he’s going to find resistance from Brooke fans the likes [of which] he’s never seen before. He can give the characters amnesia, but the audience is going to remember every cruel and hateful thing he’s said and done to Brooke and Hope since [the new Taylor] arrived… Ridge is dead to Brooke fans.”
Brooke herself swore off her destiny, going so far as to say that she regretted ever setting foot in the Forrester mansion. She deserves someone who loves her with his whole heart, she told Ridge, and that most definitely isn’t him. Here’s hoping she sticks to her guns for once and really moves on.