Rx for General Hospital: The Five-Step Plan to Fix What’s Broken — Plus, Your Chance to Grade the Show

Rx for General Hospital: The Five-Step Plan to Fix What’s Broken — Plus, Your Chance to Grade the Show

Credit: ABC (5) 

There’s a lot to love about General Hospital these days, from its budding Lucky/Liz reunion (never mind that surprise recast) to the hiring of chemistry machine Sawandi Wilson as Isaiah to the chef’s-kiss pairing of schemers Ava and Ric. But there are a few areas in need of improvement that the show needs to address sooner than later. In short order, they are:

1. Cyrus’ Killing Spree

Having a character running around murdering people certainly ups the stakes on a day to day basis. But the story’s gotta make sense, and right now, it just doesn’t. When mobster-turned-holy roller Cyrus is finally served his just deserts, the writers have to give us an explanation for his actions that’ll make us go, “Oh, now I get it!” instead of “Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me!”

2. The Uncouple

Was anyone happy that General Hospital separated Sasha and Cody by making them cousins? Show of hands? No one? That’s what we thought. So the faster Holly and Robert can be returned to the canvas to reveal that the would-be sweethearts aren’t related after all, the better. Right now, Cody is undoing all the progress he made when he stepped up as Sasha’s protector.

GENERAL HOSPITAL - “Episode 15565” - “General Hospital" airs Monday - Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (Disney/Christine Bartolucci) EVA LARUE, MAURICE BENARD

3. Persona Non Grata

We’re perfectly willing to allow that people can change, can grow, can improve. But we ain’t buying it where Natalia is concerned. She forced Blaze into the closet for her whole life, blew up her career by being outed as a raging homophobe and was rewarded with a frontburner lover (Sonny) and a career (at Deception). We may forgive Natalia someday, but she’s gotta do something to earn it!

4. The Ick Factor

Literally nobody is rooting for Drew and Willow. Which is fine. It’s fun having all of Port Charles hate on ’em. But when their love affair blows up in their faces, the show has to set in motion a plan for the lovers. If Drew’s gonna be sleazy now, fine, let him be a new villain. Stop pretending he’s a good guy. As for Willow, maybe it’s time she ripped a page from late sister Nelle’s playbook and went dark.

GENERAL HOSPITAL - Episode “15051” – "General Hospital" airs Monday - Friday, on ABC (check local listings). (ABC/Christopher Willard) KATELYN MACMULLEN, CYNTHIA WATROS, CHLOE LANIER

5. Brook Lynn’s Baby Boom

The powers that be need to find a point to the story that has cast Gio as the son Brook Lynn gave away as a teenager. It’s not like it would be a deal-breaker for her and Chase; it happened eons ago. Dante would be ticked to learn he had a kid all those years ago, but then he’d just embrace Gio. The plot is a what, but it’s lacking a why. Fingers crossed the why will reveal itself asap.


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