Steve and Brady Rescue Ava, But Rafe’s Ordeal Is Far From Over

Steve and Brady Rescue Ava, But Rafe’s Ordeal Is Far From Over

Brady rescues Ava Days

Credit: Jill Johnson/JPI

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In Horton Square, Javi tells Jada not to waste any more tears on his cousin and informs her that Rafe cheated on her. Jada knows Rafe has done some messed up things lately, but he’d never be unfaithful. Javi couldn’t believe it either, but he was. He tells her it was the night before they were to get married and with the stripper from his bachelor party. He says her name is Savannah, and he found them together the morning of the wedding in Rafe’s room. Jada says that doesn’t prove anything, so Javi reveals she came out of the bathroom in a towel. He says Rafe tried to claim she stayed over as she was drunk, but it was a lie. He told Rafe to fess up, and he did, and he didn’t even think it was a big deal.

Javi confesses to Jada DAYS

Jada says he found this out the morning of their wedding, which was weeks ago, so why is she just now hearing about this? Javi explains he wanted to tell her, but Rafe pulled the family card. Jada admits she’s covered for her sister more than once, so she understands why he didn’t tell anyone. Javi confesses that he told Leo, and she worries he’ll turn this into a gossip column. Javi says he won’t, and Leo was going to expose Rafe for him during the wedding. She recalls they both stood up at the wedding to say something. Javi continues that he was going to tell her, and that’s when Rafe stopped the wedding. Jada says she can’t believe Rafe has found another way to hurt and humiliate her.  Javi was hoping this would help her get over Rafe once and for all.

Jada cries about the dream she had of Rafe begging her to forgive him and how she was still holding out hope they’d get through this. She realizes now that’s not happening, and she and Rafe are over. Javi gets a text from Gabi, who needs him at the office. She tells him to go, and she is fine.

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Rafe Pleads with Rachel

In the attic of the Blake house, Rachel lays some ground rules before Rafe gets his breakfast, namely, no screaming and no biting. Rafe asks about the woman’s voice he heard. She tells him that he’s not the only prisoner in this house. Rafe asks who else is here? She says that’s not his concern. Rafe tells her to be smart and let him go, but she can’t, as she has a deal with EJ DiMera. Rafe vents that EJ is the scum of the earth, and she can’t trust him. He says EJ won’t hold up their deal, and he is just like his father. Rachel says, “Stefano?” Rafe tells her that Stefano raised EJ and molded him into his own twisted image. Rafe tries to convince her that EJ will destroy her without a second thought. If she lets him go, he’ll swear EJ forced her to do this.

Rafe and Rachel DAYS

Rachel says she can’t help him as she has to protect her daughter and granddaughter. Rafe asks what they have to do with this and what is going on. He swears he can get her out of this. She tells him that he talks too much, gags him, and walks off.

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Ava’s Rescued, But Not Rafe

Downstairs, Brady and Steve arrive, and Brady tells Ava it’s over. As he unties her, Ava informs him that little Rachel lured her here and then used her phone to send him that phony text that she went to China. Steve says Rachel couldn’t have done this alone. Ava says she didn’t, and she had help from Kristen’s mother. Brady is stunned as she’s dead. Ava sas she’s not, she’s creeping around here dressed in white. Brady says it has to be a trick. Rachel Blake has been dead for decades. Ava swears that Kristen’s Mommy Dearest has been holding her in this house. Steve asks where she is now.

Steve and BRady rescue AVA Days

Ava insists she is not crazy and Rachel was just here. She doesn’t know where the old bat is now, but she swears on Tripp’s life that Kristen’s mother has been holding her captive. Steve says he’ll search the house.


Brady tells Ava that he believes her. He asks if she’s hurt, and Ava says she’ll be okay. They both agree this is insane, and Brady is mortified that his daughter was involved. Ava then drops the bomb that Kristen was also in on this. She explains Kristen didn’t know her mother was even alive at first, and Kristen found her phone and a scrapbook about this place in Rachel’s backpack and put two and two together. That’s how she arrived here. Brady remembers Kristen skipped out on taking Rachel to therapy with him the other day when she was holding her backpack, so it was clear she came here. Brady can’t believe Kristen didn’t free her. Ava says her mother talked her out of it to protect little Rachel. She also says EJ knew she was here too and didn’t lift a finger to help her.

Up in the attic, Steve catches Rachel leaving the room Rafe is in and says, “Well, I’ll be damned, Ava wasn’t seeing things. You must be the infamous Rachel Blake.” She asks who he is and why he’s trespassing in her house. He tells her his name and that the woman she had tied up is the mother of one of his sons. He asks if she’ll come willingly or if they do this the hard way.

Steve finds Rachel DAYS

Back downstairs, Ava says EJ seemed surprised she was here, but he didn’t help her. However, she thinks that had to do with Kristen’s mother. Rachel spoke to him outside, and EJ never came back. Steve walks in with Rachel.

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A Gift From Dr. Rolf

At the DiMera mansion, Kristen opens an envelope, and inside is a vial. EJ asks what it is. She tells him it’s the answer to their prayers. She says this is a gift from Rolf, CRS17, their miracle drug. EJ recalls Megan giving them the drug to make them forget she kidnapped them, but they eventually remembered when Marlena hypnotized them. Kristen says this will cause Ava and Rafe to forget why they were abducted, putting them in the clear. EJ reminds her they couldn’t remember why they were abducted but did know Megan did it. Kristen says this is a more potent dose, and if he has a better idea, let’s hear it. He has nothing, so Kristen says this is their best shot unless they get rid of the captives permanently. EJ refuses to do that, so Kristen says it’s time to take a trip to Aremid.

Kristen has the drug DAYS

EJ and Kristen Find Ava’s Gone

Kristen and EJ arrive at the Blake house to find Ava is gone, and Rachel is nowhere to be found. EJ rushes upstairs to check on Rafe, and Kristen wonders what has happened.

EJ and the drug DAYS

EJ finds Rafe still tied up in the attic, and he pulls out the syringe. He takes Rafe’s gag off, and Rafe asks what that is, another sedative. EJ says it’s something much stronger. Rafe asks if he’s going to kill him. EJ says no, he’s going to wipe out his memories of this experience. Rafe begs him not to do it. As EJ goes to stick him, Rafe breaks free, and they wrestle over the syringe. Kristen bursts in as they fight and screams, “EJ, no!”

Rafe and EJ wrestle, Kristen DAYS

Ava Gets Checked Out

Brady takes Ava to the hospital to be checked out, even though she insists she’s fine and Rachel didn’t hurt her. Brady says he’d feel better if a doctor checked her out and suggests she call Tripp, as he’ll be glad she’s okay. She calls him and assures him that she’s fine and to give Wendy a hug for her. After the call, she thanks Brady for finding her because God knows what Rachel would have done with Kristen and EJ’s help.

Ava gets checked out DAYS

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Shawn Calls Out Belle’s Bias

At the Salem PD, Shawn is at work when Belle arrives. He asks what he can do for District Attorney Black. She didn’t know they were being so formal, and asks Detective Brady what has him glued to his computer so intently. He explains he’s trying to prove her new boyfriend framed Jada. She asks if he has proof,  but he doesn’t. He says it won’t take long for him to get it. She reminds him that EJ is innocent until proven guilty. He accuses her of being biased because she’s sleeping with EJ.

Shawn and Belle fight DAYS

Belle says her private life is none of his business. Shawn says she made it his business as she’s in bed with the guy who framed his boss. He also accuses her of lying to him and saying her hook-up with EJ was a one-time thing. She says at the time it was, and he knows her, and she wouldn’t compromise an investigation. Shawn thought he knew her. Belle wonders how he knew she was still seeing EJ. Shawn confesses that Jada told him. He says he admitted to her that he didn’t believe her one-time story, and Jada informed him that she ran into Belle at the mansion and didn’t believe the load of crap she gave her about being there to see Johnny. He asks how she could do this to Jada, as she is the reason she has the DA job. Belle again says he doesn’t know EJ framed Jada. Shawn calls EJ a snake who will come after her next. She tells him he’s the one convicting a man without evidence. Shawn says deep down, she knows he’s right. She believes his hatred of EJ motivates him to blame EJ for everything that goes wrong in this town. Shawn argues that if it’s not EJ, it’s his crazy sister.

Steve brings Rachel Blake in DAYS

Rachel’s Under Arrest

Suddenly, Steve walks in with Rachel and asks Belle and Shawn if they can stop arguing long enough to book this woman for kidnapping. Belle asks who she is. Steve tells them this is the Woman in White, AKA Rachel Blake, AKA Kristen’s mother.

Shawn later finds Jada crying in Horton Square. He asks if she’s OK. She cries she’s not and throws herself into his arms.

Shawn finds Jada crying DAYS

Back at the station, Steve notes to Belle that Shawn took off quickly after booking Rachel and asks if she wants to talk about it. Belle says they are just trying to get used to being divorced. She can’t believe Kristen’s mom is alive and has been holding Ava in Aremid.

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