Days of Our Lives Has Been Building to Two Show-Changing Storylines — But Are We Going to Lose One Beloved Character or Two?!

Days of Our Lives Has Been Building to Two Show-Changing Storylines — But Are We Going to Lose One Beloved Character or Two?!

Days mashup, Marlena, Steve, EJ, Johnny

Credit: Jill Johnson/JPI (4)

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The week started with a surprisingly strong (and funny) episode as Days of Our Lives is clearly building to two major moments. The first, likely more immediate, story is going to be EJ’s shooting. And then, after that, we’ll get to the bottom of what happened to John. Both are being carefully built, so fingers crossed, the payoff will be worth it!

Good Heavens!

When I realized that Days of Our Lives was going to do a meet and greet with Johnny and Chanel pretending to be righteous and religious with Amy, I’ll admit, I groaned a bit. But, God willing, I thought, it wouldn’t be bad. (Sorry, couldn’t resist.) And what we got was silly, ridiculous… and a whole lot of fun! Plus, it moved things along.

Days family meeting dimera

Paulina and EJ’s sniping, even as they pretended to get along, referencing Nicole, then throwing her under the bus and backing it over her, Tate’s oh-so-confused look as he came in and saw Paulina, EJ, Chanel and Johnny sitting like a family portrait — no notes! This cast has great comedic timing. More cookies, anyone?

By the time Gabi and Jada burst in cursing EJ out, I actually laughed out loud. I don’t see Amy OKing this adoption, but by the time Sophia has the baby, she’ll be 18, so it may not matter. But also: This is clearly a horrible idea for everyone. Don’t do it!

EJ’s Goose Is Cooked

On top of the humor, I really liked Johnny’s reaction to learning that Arnold was back around, his fury at the man who raped his mom and his threat to EJ. Next week, it looks like he’ll be learning an explosive secret, and I’ve got a feeling it’ll be that he was conceived by EJ forcing Sami to sleep with him.

Dan Feuerriegel, Carson Boatman "Days of our Lives" Set NBC Studios Burbank 08/06/24 © XJJohnson/ 310-657-9661 Episode # 15065 U.S.Airdate 03/03/25

The fallout from that will be explosive. I think EJ’s shooting will have to be next. Gabi’s already pulled a gun. Belle’s furious with him. Rafe’s back with gaps in his memory that I’m sure he’ll question. Jada’s rage is off the charts and now Johnny’s learning the worst possible thing about his dad.

That has got to be the last shoe to drop before the shooting mystery. Plus, Arnold may still be out there and if Rita tried shutting him up for good and failed, he could be looking for revenge against EJ. One thing the show has done excellent with is build up to this moment for months now. Also, we’ve been avoiding the question, but we’ve all been assuming EJ will survive, right? I’m realizing though, that even if he does, it doesn’t mean he won’t vanish from our screens for a time.

A Trip Down ‘Jarlena’ Memory Lane

Theresa’s surprise return was the big cliffhanger, and while Emily O’Brien chatted a bit about her handling Tate’s daddy issues, this has to be an awkward time for her to get back. Her dad, after all, sent Brady’s dad away on a mission and then completely lost touch with him. And now Shane’s hiding from Marlena. Seriously, Shane??

Days Marlena hugs Steve in her office, looking both worried and sad

We know how this story is going to end, but this is very much going to be a case of, “the journey matters more than the destination.” Marlena will get to play the hero and go on an adventure with Steve. I loved how she made it clear that this time, she’s going to save the day. But my big hope is that it’s going to be a tour through John’s history and “Jarlena’s.” Familiar faces, plenty of flashbacks — the whole works.

First up, it seems Shane will have to make an appearance as Steve and Marlena head to DC. After that, the sky’s the limit.

Stray Thoughts…

  • What was the point of that memory blip with Rafe if he was going to remember who he was so quickly? Just to add drama to his and Jada’s reunion?

  • For the love of God, Days of Our Lives, give us Peter Blake already! We’re so close! Kristen talked to him on the phone twice on Friday!
  • Oh, Rachel, Rachel, Rachel. You’re going off to Bayview soon, aren’t you? You’re just way too unhinged to run around in Salem. Guess that solves the problem of having two characters on with the same name.
  • Joy’s pregnancy is happening so fast, I feel like we may end up learning she’s not actually having Alex’s kid. They rushed into it and Joy’s certainty enough that I’m wondering if it’s a red herring. Maybe she’s got some serious health problem, instead.


  • Mr. Shin sure jumped ship fast. But honestly, the guys had a point. DiMera and its CEOs are even more volatile than Titan.
  • Melinda sweeping in, showing off her bling at the end of Friday and announcing to Doug that she’s the one who bought the Horton necklace was a delightful surprise! Guess she’s making good money at DiMera.

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