An Open Letter to Bold & Beautiful: Enough Already!

An Open Letter to Bold & Beautiful: Enough Already!

Credit: CBS screenshot, Howard Wise/JPI 

Dear Bold & Beautiful, we need to have a talk about your habit of overexplaining everything.

We’re accepted by now that anytime a character has something to say to another character, it won’t be spat out for a few days, during which time they will often reiterate their need to speak while also leaving room for the person to whom they are talking to say ironic things. This past week, Finn did that twice, with Luna (as she opined, “If only my life had included a strong male role model, a father figure or even a dad!”) and then with Steffy (as she exhaled one sigh of relief after another that her murderous stepdaughter was behind bars, where she’d stay forever, where she couldn’t hurt anybody”).

But what we can’t accept is the overexplaining, which seemed to really kick into high gear when Taylor was reintroduced. She was listed in Steffy’s phone as “Dr. Taylor Hayes (Mother)” and was quick to remind her daughter that she is, in fact her daughter. Since then, we’ve had characters on the regular mention in ways no actual human person would how others are related.

A typical exchange might go something like this. “I can’t believe that Finn slept with Poppy, his aunt, but not by blood. Li, his adoptive mother, is going to be so very angry at Poppy, her sister. All I can do is hope that the truth never reaches Luna, who spent her whole life thinking Finn was her cousin  when in reality he was her father. It was bad enough that Finn’s biological mother™ turned out to be Sheila Carter, local murderess and pizza slinger. No way could Steffy accept that she is now the stepmother of Luna, who drugged her, locked her in a cage and planned to leave her for dead before being carted off to jail, where she still is, I think.”

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