As Days of Our Lives Inches Toward Killing [Spoiler] and [Spoiler], An Unexpected Power Player Emerges

As Days of Our Lives Inches Toward Killing [Spoiler] and [Spoiler], An Unexpected Power Player Emerges

Days mashup angry people, Marlena, Bonnie, Johnny, Abe, Chanel, Kate Body and Soul

Credit: Jill Johnson/JPI (3), Peacock screenshots (3)

What you’re about to read is a completely different Days of Our Lives column than the one I’d originally written. And I certainly didn’t intend to scrap one and start again from scratch — especially as I’m currently sitting on the MSC Meraviglia, enjoying a seven-night cruise to the Bahamas. But at a certain point, I realized what I’d penned was a bit too mean, a tad too harsh… especially given that there was stuff I really enjoyed this week. So let’s acknowledge the negative before, as the song says, accentuating the positive, shall we?

Mother, Make It Stop

At this point, I think we’re all just counting down to the day that Body and Soul is cancelled. This isn’t the first time a show has done the whole soap-within-a-soap concept. But I’d really love for it to be the last.

In the Body and Soul office, Abe Kate and Johnny watch Chanel and Alex kiss

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When first introduced as a show that some of the characters watched, it was amusing… although for me, the joke wore thin fast. But having everyone in Salem suddenly quitting their regular jobs to become soap stars? What I’m sure was meant to be self-referential humor soon felt ridiculously over-the-top to me. And I’m someone who loved Marlena’s possession… at least the first time around.

The Waiting Game

Ultimately, what we’ve learned from Body and Soul is something I’ve said for a very long time: The biggest problem facing Days isn’t storyline- or even writer-related but rather its ridiculously advanced production schedule. Thanks to that — and the fact that numerous people took their collective eyes off the ball — it’s impossible to change what’s not working. We are collectively counting down to the material created by the new headwriting team… which we won’t see until April.

We’re supposed to think that the latest Lady Whistleblower column was mean-spirited and a hit piece when, in reality, it was only speaking truth to what passes for power at Body and Soul. The vitriol aimed at Lady W (and, by extension, the rest of the media) was labeled as “clickbait over substance.” But here’s the thing: There wasn’t anything in the column that wasn’t true.

Days' Stephanie looks up at Abe worriedly after reading from her tablet in her home

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This was, once again, the Days writing team using their platform to address grievances about how they’ve been treated by the folks — including us — who are paid to both report and comment (two very different things) on the show. But here’s the thing: While I don’t pretend to know what motivates Lady W, I can say that every single person here at want nothing more than for the shows we cover to be the best they can be. As critics of the genre, we call it as we see it. And truth be told, what we’re seeing on several of the shows of late is… well, not good.


And let’s face it: We’re not alone in thinking this. If we were, there wouldn’t be new writers working behind the scenes even as I type this to set things right.

When Julie Weeps, We All Weep

OK, now that we’ve got the criticism out of the way, let’s look at what worked this week. And might I add, there was a lot of good stuff. (We’ve mentioned before that the show often feels schizophrenic; there’s the Body and Soul material and then everything else, as was the case this week.

Julie sits on the couch in her robe with her eyes closed. Behind her, Chad flips on the light switch.

Friday’s scenes between Julie and Chad were absolutely heartbreaking. Of course, it’s impossible to watch Julie grieve without feeling the waves of pain clearly washing over portrayer Susan Seaforth Hayes. When Julie curled up on the couch rather than face another night alone in the bed she’d shared with her beloved husband, I had the kind of cry they usually call cathartic.

Mama Drama

I know some folks found Sophia’s mom to be a little one-note in her extremely conservative values, but I totally bought it. I may not have agreed with any of the things she espoused, but I’m 100 percent sure there are people in the audience who saw themselves and their views being represented. (I’m still not convinced Tate’s the dad, by the way… )

Kristen hugs Rachel DAYS

On the other end of the spectrum were the scenes in which Rachel proved that the rotten apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Kristen and Brady realizing the very big problem they had on their hands where their little girl’s concerned really worked. (I nearly did a spit take when Rachel, told by her mom that she couldn’t go around threatening people, responded with, “But you do it. And Uncle EJ, and Nonno did it, too.” Stefano may be gone, but he’s never forgotten… which is as it should be.)

What’s Next?

When Stephanie overheard Philip discussing the forged letter, I was sure it was a fake-out. How many times have people on this show overheard something only to have the other person come up with a quick cover story? But no, Philip quickly came clean, and we got a nice little Friday cliffhanger as we were left wondering if Stephanie would fill in Sarah and, by extension, Xander on what she now knew. I can’t imagine they’re going to wrap up the battle over Titan so quickly, but I can’t fathom why Stephanie would keep quiet. I kinda love that she’s suddenly in a very powerful position, however…

Marlena cups John's chin as they tenderly smile at each other

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Meanwhile, Marlena learning from Cat about everything John had done for her family — and why — while in Greece was nice. Connecting Cat to Marlena with the job offer could also prove interesting. The writers have done a good job of keeping John in the story, if not on screen, as we slowly build toward the character’s presumed demise in the wake of Drake Hogestyn’s passing.

Random Thoughts

• The most realistic aspect of Body and Soul has to be Stephanie serving as publicist. For one thing, that was her job long before this story started. But having known and worked with a lot of PR folks over the years, the show has it completely right with Steph being hit from every angle by people coming at her, demanding that she “fix” things.

Days' Hattie backs off with a shocked look as Bonnie sneers and holds her hands out threateningly in the Kiriakis living room

• Watching Deidre Hall and Judi Evans play Hattie and Bonnie, respectively, is always a blast. My fondest hope is that they are having as much fun playing the wacky character as it appears.

• Of course Alex kinda loved that Lady Whistleblower called him “sex on a stick.” Meanwhile, the “reveal” of the columnist’s true identity wasn’t exactly a shocker. But I’m ready for Kerry to step aside so the absolutely adorable Javi can continue bringing out Leo’s better nature.

• Kudos to whoever wrote the text message Julie received from Marie. It read, “How you holding up, darlin’?” and I could hear Maree Cheatham’s accent in my head.

Days' Johnny holds his hands out helplessly as Chanel talks to him, upset, in their room

• There was a lovely little moment when Chanel said she was going back to her first love and, for just a moment, Johnny thought she was referring to his sister, Allie. Carson Boatman and Raven Bowens are soap gold.

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