Bold & Beautiful Preview: Bradley Bell Reveals Who’s Getting a New Storyline and Who’s Headed for ‘Challenges’ — Plus, an Unwelcome Return
Bold & Beautiful Preview: Bradley Bell Reveals Who’s Getting a New Storyline and Who’s Headed for ‘Challenges’ — Plus, an Unwelcome Return

Credit: Howard Wise/JPI (4)
The Bold and the Beautiful just released its new cast photo, and it includes more than just the smiling faces of the characters that you’d expect: Among the Forresters, Logans, Spencers and Nozawas is none other than Christian Weismann, aka the actor who plays Electra’s worst nightmare, Remy.
We’d have wondered if maybe the picture that was obtained by TV Insider was taken before the stalker was apprehended and Electra went along merrily canoodling with Will, but not only is newcomer Daphne present and accompanied for, but Luna is all cozied up to daddy Finn, too — and she doesn’t even realize yet that her cousin is her pop!
In an accompanying interview with the website, executive producer/headwriter Bradley Bell teased a little bit what is to come on the show — beyond our February sweeps preview, even. “Not only will Luna find her father at long last, but she’s going to find her grandmother, too.” We can’t even imagine who will be the worse influence on the other — Luna, who’s murdered two people, or Sheila, who’s shot half the people who eat at Il Giardino!
The boss also hinted at “some new challenges” in store for Taylor and “a great story for Liam.” Maybe at last he will bump into old flame Ivy, who we’d have bet was back in L.A. to reconnect with him… if they hadn’t been kept apart all this time.