Bold & Beautiful’s Craziest Twist Is Actually Going On Behind the Scenes

Bold & Beautiful’s Craziest Twist Is Actually Going On Behind the Scenes

remy electra will

Credit: Howard Wise/JPI (2), CBS screenshot 

Color us mystified. So on the heels of the Bold & Beautiful storyline in which sweet Luna went on a murder spree, the show introduced Remy as Electra’s PhotoShop-happy stalker. An odd choice, playing unhinged upon unhinged, but OK. We were willing to roll with it. However, that was only because we assumed that Remy’s storyline was going somewhere.

We figured the character might have been introduced to give Sheila a chance to show us that she’s changed (at all) by recognizing a kindred spirit in the young man and encouraging him to fight his darker impulses. “Do you really want to trick someone into getting plastic surgery to look just like you so that they can be killed in your place decades later?” she could ask.

But no.

The week of December 30, Remy’s storyline, such as it is, seems to be reaching its climax as he goes completely off the rails. (Read the spoilers here.) Nuts, right? What’s he been on, a month now? Does that qualify as a plot or just a subplot? And what was he even brought in for? Was it to bring Will and Electra closer? Because they seemed to be progressing nicely without a threat hanging over their heads.

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We’d wonder whether Remy was introduced to show how far Will is willing to go to protect Electra… except that since we’ve never seen Will in a romance before, we have no idea whether he’d work so hard to come off like Boyfriend Material™ to literally any girl who gave him the time of day.

More: Bold & Beautiful’s all-time craziest characters [PHOTOS]

It all feels rushed. Odd. It’s not uninteresting, per se, it just feels… pointless. Like a means to an end toward which we were already moving (getting Will and Electra committed to one another). Maybe this story-lette with Remy’s doctored photos was just to remind us that Bold & Beautiful operates on a weird 1950s morality in which nudie pics would be a cause for pearl-clutching, even at a fashion house that makes bank on a lingerie line fronted by a model who’s married every member of the family and once did a whole shoot in which she got hot and/or heavy with her stepson (back when Adam Gregory was Thomas).

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