Steffy’s Reveal Rocks Taylor — and Finn Reunites With Luna
Steffy’s Reveal Rocks Taylor — and Finn Reunites With Luna

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At the cliff house, Steffy tells Finn to go do what he needs to do. She assumes he’s going to the hospital to save lives. They’ll deal with his news together. Finn kisses her and says she’s his entire world.
Once alone, Steffy sorts laundry, but pauses to flash back to Finn telling her he’s Luna’s father. Taylor appears and asks, “Steffy, honey. What is it? What’s wrong?” Steffy doesn’t know quite how to say it. It doesn’t have anything to do with Kelly or Hayes, but it does have to do with children.
At Bill’s place, Luna smiles as she reads an article about Katie Logan working with her son, Will. She spots a photo of him and Electra and frowns. Next, she jumps to an article on Tom Starr’s death. She zooms up on his photo and then goes to look in the mirror, comparing their features and looking miserable. She just can’t see a resemblance… someone else has to be her father.
At the Forrester mansion, Zende, Ridge, and Daphne update Eric on the fragrance line launch, which is guaranteed to be a huge success. Eric worries this will cause Carter to think he’s done the right thing. Daphne isn’t so sure, and Ridge thinks he’s waking up to the fact that Hope brainwashed him. Daphne has spent a lot of time with Carter working on the line and says he’s still the good man they once respected. Once Hope loses her hold on Carter, she will see their friend and company returned to them. She and Zende head out. Ridge tells his dad he doesn’t think Carter is happy with all of this success. They decide to have a look at the fragrance line on the laptop. Ridge reiterates that he’s sure Carter is rethinking this takeover.
Carter Fights His Guilty Feelings
At Forrester, Carter frowns as he sits down behind the desk. He flashes to his last heart-tugging conversation with Ridge.
Hope appears in the doorway smiling and then notices his expression. She asks, “What’s going on?” Carter didn’t hear her come in… his mind was somewhere else. She hopes he’s getting excited for the big launch and asks where Daphne is at. Carter hasn’t see her yet today. Hope wonders where she could be.
Carter tells Hope he’s always nervous before a drop, but Daphne collaborating should guarantee success. Daphne and Zende walk in and get ready for the launch. Daphne says the collaboration could signal a real change in things. If it succeeds, who knows what could happen?
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At the prison, Finn tells the administrator he needs to see Luna Nozawa and won’t be taking “no” for an answer. The man isn’t authorized to give him that information. Finn barks, “Then find me someone who is. I need to see Luna… I’m her father.” The administrator is confused… she was convicted of killing her father. Finn says that wasn’t her father, he is, and he needs to tell her. The man sighs and explains she’s currently under house arrest. Finn exclaims, “House arrest?! What house?” This doesn’t make any sense. The administrator declares that he’s already said more than he should and exits. Finn wonders, “Where are you, Luna?”
Daphne’s Line Slays
At the Forrester mansion, Eric declares that the fragrance drop was sensational. Daphne is right; they’re going to make a lot of money. He’s sorry to be rooting against his own team. Ridge pats his dad on the shoulder. Ridge urges him to be relieved. When they take the company back, it will be in good shape. The days of Hope and Carter at Forrester are numbered.
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At Forrester, Hope, Zende, and Carter get the news that the fragrance line is a huge success. Hope declares that this proves the takeover was the right thing to do. Carter smiles, and then turns to see Daphne watching him. As Carter takes a call, Hope talks interviews with Daphne. Carter disconnects and Zende tells Daphne she did a great job. Hope crows that Forrester is being lauded across the globe, and it’s all because of Carter’s ideas and leadership. Daphne makes a face. Hope and Zende leave for a meeting, with Hope telling Carter they’ll celebrate later. Daphne tells Carter he should be on top of the world, but doesn’t look like someone who wants to celebrate. “We both know why.” She urges him to open up to her. “I care.”
Taylor Gets a Shocking Update
At the cliff house, Taylor asks Steffy if she’s pregnant. Steffy says she’s not, but there has been an addition to their family… a very unwelcome addition. Taylor tells her daughter she’s not making sense. Steffy rambles until Taylor tells her to sit and start from the beginning. Steffy says she could tell something was going on with Finn, who’s been distracted and busy. On their anniversary, he told her there was something she needed to know. When they were finally alone, she brought it up again. “It’s about his past. A woman from way back.” She says, “Finn was taken advantage of… he was eighteen and she was older. She was his first. You’re not going to believe me when I tell you who it is.” Taylor is floored to hear that it was Poppy. Steffy tells her, “That’s not even the worst of it.”
Back in his office, Finn searches news on Luna’s prison transfer, but doesn’t get anywhere. Suddenly, he gets a message saying, “Your daughter’s being held at 3197 Holden Dr. Bel Air, CA 90077.” Putting it in his map app, he realizes she’s at Bill Spencer’s place and takes off.
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Finn and Luna Come Face-to-Face
At Bill’s place, a knock comes on the door. Luna hesitates, but then thinks maybe Dario came back. She walks over to answer the door and sees Finn. She blurts, “Cousin Finn.” Luna backs up, saying, “I am so, so sorry for what I’ve done.” Finn looks at her, grimaces and then takes her in his arms. Surprised, but grateful, she hugs him back.
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Next on The Bold and the Beautiful: Daphne uses Carter’s guilt to her advantage, and Finn demands an explanation.